Reading, Not Writing

Today, I think I would rather read than write. Luckily I have many friends who have written things well worth reading today.

Dean asks if the press wants us to lose. All I can say to this is that most journalists were opposed to the war and thought that it would bring catastrophe and hardship for America. Now they grasp at anything that might be used to support their assumptions.

Deb and Jay have a very different view of Bob Kerrey than I did. To be entirely fair, I didn't watch the exchange, I only read the transcripts. Perhaps something was lost in translation from live action to the printed page. I do respect both Deb and Jay enough to consider that my reaction might be wrong.

Just because I like to giggle. And my sense of humor is probably a little off.

Bill Cholenski writes about intrinsic value. Perfect.

Val has a talent for making me smile. So, yes, I'm a big old sentimentalist at heart. Shh. We don't need that getting around, do we?

Preparing for the arrival of a Little Earthling. Is there some theme running through my life today? Whatever, I would probably be feeling some of the same anxieties myself.

Part-time legislature. I'm all for the idea.

And then I remember that there are in dangerous places. I'm gladdened by the knowledge that our soldiers are doing their best to help them out of these situations, and doing their damndest to make the world a better place.

The House of Ketchup rides again.

Here's another friend who could use your thoughts and support. I hope she knows that she has mine.

This makes me feel old. I never wanted to say it, but here it goes.

The Ocean Guy nails the 9/11 comission about perfectly, from my point of view.

I think that's enough reading to keep y'all going for now. Enjoy!